Tips to Stay Mobile and Active During Social Distancing

Changing up daily routine can be a difficult adjustment. Humans are creatures of habit, and change can be scary. We have all been faced with several drastic changes in our social, professional and health regimens.

It has been proven that nature and fresh air boosts the release of endorphins, the “happy” chemicals.

While the sun is out, we can take advantage of the outdoors and boost our mood at the same time!

Finding new ways to stay healthy, active, mobile and strong can be hard, so we at Dimensional Wellness have you covered!

Here are some creative ways to stay active and keep up with exercise:

• Go for a walk, use walking sticks for support if balance is affected

• Go for a run, or combined run/walk

• Find a new hiking trail

• Alternate walking lunges up your street and back

• Find a park bench and do 20 reps tricep dips, push ups, single leg step ups X 3 rounds

• Get a head start on the garden/yard work

• Hand wash the car

• Go for a bike ride

• Walk to the grocery store instead of driving

Here is a DYNAMIC WARMUP program we made to do BEFORE every workout

Here is a STRETCH program we made for you to do AFTER every workout

Here is a FOAM ROLLING program we made to do 1-2 X WEEK

There are so many options for online workouts you can do in your home. Check out your local Pilates, dance, yoga, bootcamp websites.

Here are a few links:

Yoga Now Kamloops – FaceBook for live streaming
Lets Move studio – FaceBook for live streaming dance and yoga
Yoga with Jil Forbes –Instructional yoga videos to download and keep
Diverse Training Center – online bootcamps
Cold Iron Power and Fitness – FB page for information on outdoor bootcamps

Stay Healthy and Active!
